Case vignette

Using Identity Conscious Care with a TGNC patient

Inclusive Language Illustration

Using Identity Conscious Care with a TGNC patient


Good morning, I’m Dr. Bead, are you Devon?


Hi. Yeah.


Do you go by Devon?


Devon is fine, thank you for asking though.


Of course. Now I see here on your paperwork you use they/them pronouns so I’ll make sure I use those in my notes. Would you also like me to put in a note so our other providers know too? Just in case you don’t meet with me at some point.


Yes, that’s great! Thank you so much. I am non-binary too, I don’t know if you want to put that.


I can definitely do that if you’d like. Now tell me a little about what brings you in today. I know the nurse met with you and got some information, but I’d really like to hear from you.


I’ve been having a cough for the past 2-3 weeks and it just won’t go away. I’ve had allergies in the past, but nothing like this. I’ve tried everything and it just won’t go away.


What medications have you tried so far?


Claritin, Benadryl, and Robotussin. Usually Claritin is my go to.


And you haven’t noticed any changes?




Okay, I can definitely put in a prescription for something stronger that will target your cough better. Did you have any other symptoms or concerns aside from the cough?


Nope that was all.

Things to consider.


The physician gathered information about the patient, created a space where this was seen as valid and important, but then made no assumptions the patient's gender or pronouns were behind why the patient was seeking treatment. The provider also did not ask any questions or allow their curiosity to impact the appointment.


Since the patient did not voice any reasons for seeking treatment related to their gender and the physician allowed the patient to share why they were there they were able to focus on the primary problem and get the patient what they needed. 

Question to think about:

How can you make sure you focus on who is in front of you, while also still making their reasons for the appointment validated and targeted?